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PRONELicensing Plans BMI-ASCAP-SESAC-SoundExchange $149.95/month upto 50,000 ATH - upto 50,000 ATH, and upto the revenue amounts below and Choose Product or select it below to add payment and you must also select your $1000.00/yr SoundExchange plan.

Plan changes for 2024:
-Plans have a service fee of $10.00 or 10% of invoice. - SOCAN $180/yr can be paid in two payments
-In 2024 you can select SOCAN coverage or not but select it separately above. -ASCAP includes upto $20 in #performances, if monthly you are over $20 in performances you will be invoiced -but most stations will not have additional to this amount. -BMI includes upto $20 in revenue then .025 for any revenue over $20.00. You will be invoiced additional for this amount. -SESAC includes upto $20 in revenue then .0082 for any revenue over $20.00. You will be invoiced additional for this amount. -If you have questions or for a quote or our other plans E-mail us: contact us

PRONETLicensing Plans - ASCAP plan 50,000 ATH $39.95 - Upto 50,000 ATH $0.00 Revenue/Expenses includes approx 10% service fee (you upload your Stream host provider file to us each month. We calculate the usage and send your report to ASCAP. You must have a SoundExchange (SX) plan, but it can be with another music royalty service.

PRONETLicensing Plans - BMI plan 50,000 ATH $39.95 - Upto 50,000 ATH $0.00 Revenue/Expenses includes approx 10% service fee (you upload your Stream host provider file to us each month. We calculate the usage and send your report to BMI. You must have a SoundExchange (SX) plan, but it can be with another music royalty service.

PRONETLicensing Plans - SESAC plan 50,000 ATH $39.95 - Upto 50,000 ATH $0.00 Revenue/Expenses includes approx 10% service fee (you upload your Stream host provider file to us each month. We calculate the usage and send your report to SESAC. You must have a SoundExchange (SX) plan, but it can be with another music royalty service.

AllTrack $24.95/month upto 50,000/month #Performance then $0.000126 per play - AllTrack $24.95/month upto 50,000/month #Performance then $0.000126 per play. Service fee included approx 10%. Many new independent artists and labels

SOCAN/yr One payment - upto $1,800 yr in revenue plus 10% of revenue if over this amount.

SOCAN/yr Two payments - upto $1,800 yr in revenue plus 6% of revenue if over this amount.

SoundExchange/Commercial or Non-Profit in two $530 payments for $1,000/yr - you pay to PRONETLicensing $530/two payments pays Monthly and with signup. Approx 10% of invoice added. Payment will be $530.00. You agree you will pay all of this $530 if you close your station before paying it or not. But second 1/2 is due in 30 days of signup and is nonrefundable by SoundExchange. - New customers can select this.

SoundExchange/Commercial or Non-profit one payment $1,000/yr - SoundExchange $1,000/yr you pay to PRONETLicensing with your payment. Approx 10% of invoice added. One payment will be $1,060. You agree you will pay all of this $1,000 if you close your station before paying it or not, and is nonrefundable by SoundExchange.

GoDirect SoundExchange/PROs reports $49.95 (upto 2 PROs) - Monthly fee $49.95 required - we provide your monthly reporting, and you submit to SoundExchange and PROs (upto 2 PROs). E-mail us on the website about this contact us.

GoDirect SoundExchange/PROs reports $69.95 (upto 4 PROs) - Monthly fee $69.95 required - we provide your monthly reporting, and you submit to SoundExchange and PROs (upto 4 PROs). E-mail us on the website about this contact us.

SoundExchange/copyright submit forms GoDirect $99.95 - We help you fill out the GoDirect SoundExchange/copyright submit forms $99.95

$99.95 USD One Time
SoundExchange/copyright submit forms GoDirect-$89.95 Special - We help you fill out the GoDirect SoundExchange/copyright submit forms $89.95 + $5.00 Service fee - do not use unless approved by us.

$89.95 USD One Time

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