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You are here: Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Resources > Preferred Resource Providers and Information on Choosing Your Stream Host

Preferred Resource Providers and Information on Choosing Your Stream Host

Preferred Providers:

Here is a list of Preferred Providers who guarantee their servers to work properly with our system.

We may or may not update this list later.

KRS - Providing streamhosting with the solutions you need.

Other Resources:
livewebdj logo
LiveWebDJ - "LiveWebDJ is a powerful and easy to use cloud based Internet radio automation system. LiveWebDJ provides you the power to create a professional sounding Internet radio station. You can access LiveWebDJ from any computer, anytime. LiveWebDJ maximizes the uptime of your station by eliminating points of failure. You and your remote DJ's can broadcast live from any computer using the DJ Access management system. Whether you'd like to shuffle songs from a single playlist or setup multiple playlists, clockwheels and events you can do it all with LiveWebDJ. LiveWebDJ is the perfect, redundant, automation backup system for your live automation. It automatically takes over when your live stream fails, and it automatically transcodes to multiple streams if needed. Visit our website today at - Click Here to checkout our video podcast series which will guide you on getting your station on the air as quickly as possible."

NextKast Logo

NextKast - "Get your station on the air and sounding just like the pros today!  Easy to use Internet Radio Automation. Be on the air in minutes with easy to use rotations and built-in Encoders. All you need to send your stream to your stream server is right here and ready to go! Click here for free fully-functional Trial Demo! 'This is one of the easiest yet full-featured automation systems available and the price is right!'"
t your station on the air and sounding just like the pros today!

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Try it for FREE

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Station Playlist
Affordable, stable, and powerful radio broadcasting software solution for terrestrial radio and internet streaming / webcasting.

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RadioBOSS - If you need a simple, affordable, reliable solution to automating your broadcasting needs, RadioBOSS is the solution you've been looking for.

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iPluggers - Get new music for airplay for FREE via iPluggers.

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